Friday, February 24, 2006

DeGarmo and Key, Crumbacher, White Heart...

I found this photo and thought of my friend Dave S. who, whenever we try to name the most obscure Christian rock bands we knew as kids, he always, with fondness, remembers Crumbacher. This seems to be from a sort of farewell/reunion concert given in California. Whoa.


Michael said...

I used to own the Commander Sozo record. Someone should do a show: "Where are They Now?" I'd like to now what happened to Farrell and Farrell...Benny Hester...PID...the list goes on.

Mexican Beauty said...

Hello van fundy! Nice blog!

I know this fits into a different category, but I have a photo somewhere of me and DC Talk from 1992.

Michael said...

1992...that was just before the Free at last album. Nice. thanks for commenting, WeddingGirl!

sweetpea said...

oh my word, WG, I remember that picture....

Just the other day, I was singing Smitty's "Old Enough to Know."

sweetpea said...

I did!

Michael said...

Actually, I am guilty of staring at myself in the mirror while trying to mimic Smitty's moves from the "Secret Ambition" video. "Nobody knew his secret ambition..." (arms go straight out and make slight circles)