Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hybrid Hondas, Hybrid Fords...Hybrid Hamburgers.

"I'll have the hybrid combo that's completely meatless and tastes like chicken, beef, pork or turkey and a Diet Coke. Thanks."

Texas Episcopal Megachurch to Leave Denomination

I have been occasionally following the problems in the Episcopal church in America. Christ Church in Plano (just north of where I am in Dallas) has decided to leave the Episcopal Church because of the recent election of Nevada Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as its first female presiding bishop. "Jefferts Schori supported the 2003 consecration of V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop. She also supported the creation of locally authorized blessings for gay unions." Read more here.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Western Conference Champs!


From The Daily Gospel:

Saint Anthony of Padua (around 1195 – 1231), Franciscan, Doctor of the Church.
"Sermons for Sundays and the Feasts of the Saints"

Tongues as of fire appeared.” Tongues – those of the serpent, of Eve and Adam, had given death access to this world… That is why the Spirit appeared in the form of tongues, opposing tongues with tongues, healing the fatal poison by means of fire… “They began to speak.” That is the sign of fullness; the full vessel overflows; the fire cannot contain itself… These diverse tongues are the various lessons that Christ left us, such as humility, poverty, patience, obedience. We speak in these various tongues when we give our neighbor an example of these virtues. The word is alive when the works speak. Let us make our works speak!