Friday, November 23, 2007

Having Children Not Eco Friendly According to Some Women

How did we arrive at this place:

"Having children is selfish. It's all about maintaining your genetic line at the expense of the planet"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ironic that the first couple in the article you referenced thought it okay to take a trans-global flight for holiday? Nothing pollutes like air travel. My college roomate had a wonderful bumper sticker on his car that stated, "Save the Planet… Kill Yourself." That action might apply if we follow this rabbit into its hole. By their logic, anyone who is alive is creating a "carbon footprint." Ergo it would be better if all humans were terminated to reverse this tragic trend. Perhaps they should begin with themselves. After all, that is the next best thing they can do after ensuring they don't have children. Self-termination would be both altruistic and efficient as it must add to global warming to go to hospital to get sterilized. A painless suicide could have saved so much CO2 from entering the atmosphere. As you can see, these couples aren't truly dedicated to being green. Otherwise they would have done the only decent thing to really ensure that their own "carbon footprint" was permanently reduced.

What people value in this world sometimes boggles my imagination. The environment and good stewardship of our planet is very important, but to go to such lengths is really emphasizing the symptom and not the disease. It is like cutting off ones foot to alleviate the pain of an ingrown toenail.

Take better care of your foot.