Saturday, May 19, 2007

A funny thing happened on the way to the academy this morning...

Because I ride the bus to work everyday, I do a lot of observing. I peer out a frame created by the massive rectangular windows every morning to see my bustling little sector of Dallas on their way to work, walking their kids to school, stopping to fill up the gas tank.

Yesterday morning, I did a double take as my number 51 bus came near a Target store. There, in the the parking lot, I got a glimpse of an hunter orange-vested cop issuing a citation to a full-size Chevy pickup truck driver. As the image began to make the trek into my memory, I saw with my mind's eye that there was no police car any where near the scene. Luckily, we were at stop sign, and as I curiously pointed my eyes back to the parking lot, I saw something I'd never seen before: the cop was on a Segway. Whha-a! I couldn't help but emit a small chuckle as I mused upon the event: "How embarrassing! To have this truck with probably a V-6 like engine and to be ticketed by none other than a Segway cop!"


Martha Elaine Belden said...


cops on segways.

the world gets funnier every day.

gob would be proud.

sweetpea said...

Gob. ha.