Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Da Vinci Code secret is out: critics hate it

I haven't been a very vocal critic about The Da Vinci Code: not because I am a latent fan of Dan Brown's fiction but because I have not had time to read any of it. Nevertheless, I find this article from Reuters interesting. Da Vinci has apparently gone over like a lead balloon with some critics at Cannes. Here's an excerpt:

At a screening late on Tuesday in Cannes, members of the audience laughed at the thriller's pivotal moment, and the end of the $125 million picture was greeted with stony silence.

Here's another article with these comments:

Other critics said the two and a half hour film was confusing to those who hadn't read the book.
"People were confused, there was no applause, just silence," said Margherita Ferrandino from the Italian television Rai 3.
"I have only read half the book, and then I got bored. It's terrible," she added.
"It was really disappointing. The dialogue was cheesy. The acting wasn't too bad, but the film is not as good as the book," added Lina Hamchaoui, from British radio IRN.


dawn said...

I actually read the book a few years ago before I knew what it was even about. I love a book filled with mystery and suspense and that is what it gave me. It also gave me a lot of sadness because I know many people who will read it or now see the movie, might be even more confused about Christ. It did not confuse me, but I know the truth and am grounded in my faith. Those who are wavering in their beliefs should not see it or read it. It only raises questions that lead to more confusion. The only truth they need to understand is what is found in the bible.

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 1 Cor. 10:5

sweetpea said...

I'm curious to see it--mostly because of the on-location stuff--the Louvre, Paris, etc.

sweetpea said...

Oh, and I think you make a good point, Dixie.